Metering services

Metering Services

Contracting metering services has often been seen simply as a hygiene factor, however, Adalta Energy see metering services as the first step to effective energy management and an opportunity to save money.

On the basis that you can't manage what you don't measure, contracting metering services is a first step towards your Net Zero journey and can provide a baseline to measure performance against.  Here is what you need to know and how you can benefit.

What are Metering Services?

Each half-hourly read electricity meter has an appointed Meter Operator and Data Collector/Data Aggregator. If your business has not contracted these services, your electricity supplier will nominate their preferred agent and invoice ‘default’ rates, which are typically more expensive than contracting these services separately.

Metering contracts are independent of supply contracts and are typically longer in contract length as providers spread the cost of the asset (the meter) over a longer period of time. Your metering contract persists regardless of your supplier.

The Meter Operator (MOP) is the organisation responsible for installing and maintaining your electricity meter, as well as the necessary telecommunications for sending your consumption data onwards.

It is a legal requirement for every half-hourly meter to have an associated Meter Operator and mandated that half- hourly meters should be replaced every 10 years. A new Meter Operator may replace your existing meter, subject to age and compatibility of the meter. 

The Data Collector collects your half-hourly consumption data through a remote communications link. A Data Aggregator takes this data and validates it so it can be used for billing and settlement purposes, in line with industry requirements. Usually it's the same company, but this is not essential.

How can you save money immediately?

If you do not have a contract in place for your metering services, you are likely to be overpaying. As metering services are essential, if you do not appoint a provider, your energy supplier will appoint one for you (known as a default appointment). Defaulted metering appointments are typically more expensive than contracted and you have no choice over the appointed provider. By simply requesting Adalta Energy to appoint a provider that matches your requirements, you could potentially save considerable sums. 

How else can you benefit?

Specialist Data Collector/Aggregator service providers will normally provide access to an online portal where your half-hourly consumption can be viewed. These portals are powerful data analytics platforms with integrated energy management tools that provide you with the opportunity to reduce energy waste, benchmark your success and ultimately save money.

Through the energy crisis, the Net Zero agenda may inevitably have slipped down the priority list for many UK businesses. Given the economic climate, it may also remain difficult to justify significant investment into energy management solutions. Luckily, with the correct metering agreements in place, many businesses will be able to start their Net Zero journey and instantly save money by doing so!

How can we help?

Adalta Energy has a wealth of experience in negotiating and agreeing metering agreements to fit the bespoke needs of our clients. Get in touch with your Adalta Energy representative to see how we can remove the stress from the process and set you on the path to money savings!

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